by Gayla | May 13, 2011 | Blog, Faith, Prayer, stepfamily relationships, stepmother role, successful stepparenting
This picture is my neighborhood prayer group I have been part of for almost seven years. We meet weekly at 6:00 a.m. (just rolled out of bed – no make up or hair fixed) and pray for the needs of each family represented for an hour.I joined this...
by Gayla | May 10, 2011 | Blog, Faith, stepfamily relationships, stepmother role, successful stepparenting
How was your Mother’s Day? Do you need a pick-me-up after a difficult day?I hope you’ll consider downloading our new ebook for stepmothers that Heather Hetchler and I compiled, “Stepping with Purpose: Stories of Strength and Faith for...
by Gayla | May 6, 2011 | Blog, stepfamily relationships, stepmother role, stepparenting choices, successful stepparenting
I’m excited to announce a new e-book a fellow stepmom, Heather Hetchler, and I compiled that can be downloaded for FREE from my website home page. It’s a collection of personal, real-life stories and struggles from seasoned stepmom...
by Gayla | May 3, 2011 | Blog, loyalty conflict, Rejection, stepmother role, take care of yourself
With Mother’s Day only a few days away, you may be thinking about how your stepchildren will handle the celebration. It tends to be an awkward holiday for many stepmothers, including myself at times. We don’t know whether to expect anything from our...
by Gayla | Mar 17, 2011 | Blog, boundaries, Change, Faith, stepmother role
clker.comI have a dear friend who had a gut feeling that her stepchild was being mistreated by his mother’s boyfriend. Her stepson had made several comments about happenings at his mom’s house that were concerning. So, she and her husband hired a...
by Gayla | Feb 25, 2011 | Blog, Faith, Fear, peace, perseverance, stepmother role, stepparenting choices
I have a good friend who is raising her step-granddaughter because her stepdaughter has proven too unstable for the responsibility. I have another friend who could be assuming full custody with her husband of her three stepchildren because their biological mom...
by Gayla | Aug 5, 2010 | Blog, Change, stepmother role
My first born child moved out today.Jamie is a 20-year-old college student who has been attending college in the same town we live so it was convenient (and less expensive) for her to live at home. But today she moved into an apartment with a college girlfriend.I...
by Gayla | May 7, 2010 | Blog, stepfamily holiday tips, stepmother role
I couldn’t resist sharing this picture of Momma Bear and her cubs. Motherhood seems so simple in the “wild,” compared to the complications we’ve created in society.I want to offer an additional suggestion today for celebrating Mother’s...