I sensed her restlessness to get off the phone. The conversation had been like most these days – shallow and brief. I understood why, but it didn’t make it any easier.

My mom’s dementia dominates her life. No longer able to find the words she needs, conversation is strained. Gone are the days of loving exchange, encouraging words, and engaging laughter. I feel as if I’m conversing with someone I don’t know.

The relationship with my mother feels broken. I can’t change that. It reminds me of the early years as a stepparent when my stepfamily relationships seemed broken and I felt helpless as to what to do.




Sometimes we have to endure the challenges of broken relationships while God works in our lives. I love the devotion I read recently in Jesus Today: Experience Hope through His Presence by Sarah Young:

“You can find joy in the midst of brokenness. It’s vital to remember that I am present with you in adversity. If you focus too much on finding solutions, you will sink under the weight of your problems. I am at work in your situation, and My matchless wisdom enables Me to bring good out of evil—ultimately outsmarting evil with good.

The way to find joy in adversity is to encounter Me. As you unplug your emotions from all the problems and plug them into My Presence, good things start to happen. As you remain in Me—plugged in to My Presence—I enable you to see things from My perspective. You can be joyful in the midst of brokenness by staying connected to Me.”

If you’re consumed with broken relationships in your stepfamily, remember—there are brighter days ahead! Rainbows follow the rain.

Have you encountered brokenness in your stepfamily? Will you share how you coped with it?


Pic by  Stuart Miles.





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