

Gayla’s Upcoming Speaking Events:

4/27/24, Blended & Blessed
Hosted by FamilyLife, Dallas, TX, Building Unity in Your Family

5/20/24, Legacy Coalition
The Influence of Grandparents

10/10-10/11/24, Stepfamily Summit
Hosted by FamilyLife, Dallas, TX, Managing Our Expectations

11/10/24, Leadership Training
Hosted by FamilyLife Wisconsin


Past Speaking Events:


April 29, 2023, Blended and Blessed
hosted by FamlyLife, Melbourne, FL, “Marriage OR Parenting in Your Blended Family?”

October 14, 2023, Summit on Stepfamily Ministry
Hosted by FamilyLife, Little Rock, AR, “Merging Stepfamily Ministry with Your Church”

November 10-11, 2023, Parenting Conference
Hosted by Watermark Community Church, Dallas, TX, “Building a Successful Stepfamily” workshop

March 4, 2023, Parenting with Purpose
hosted by Pathway Life Church, Peterborough, Ontario: “Building a Successful Stepfamily” workshop

October 13-14, 2022Summit on Stepfamily Ministry
hosted by FamilyLife, Chandler, AZ: Grace and Loss in Blended Families

April 30, 2022, Real Life Parenting Conference
hosted by Harvest Bible Chapel, Chicago, IL

April 2, 2022, Blended and Blessed
hosted by FamilyLife, Little Rock, AR: Good Boundaries, Good Bonding

March 3, 2022, Women of Courage
Walking Through Your Fears, Bossier City, LA

September 18, 2021, Renew Conference
hosted by Moody Radio, Cleveland, OH

Oct 14-15, 2021, Summit on Stepfamily Ministry
hosted by FamilyLife, Marietta, GA

October 1-2, 2020, Summit on Stepfamily Ministry
hosted by FamilyLife, Little Rock, AR

March 21, 2019, Christian Women in Media Association
Aspen Grove Christian Church, Nashville, TN

July 19-20, 2019, Stepmom Summer Getaway Event
Aspen Grove Christian Church, Nashville, TN

October 23-25, 2019, Summit on Stepfamily Ministry
hosted by FamilyLife, Chesapeake, VA

June 28-30, 2018, SpeakUp Conference
The Prince Center, Grand Rapids, Michigan


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