She had been wronged. Pornography had invaded her home and her husband couldn’t seem to give it up.
Tears puddled her eyes as she described her feelings of inadequacy, frustration, and hopelessness with his addiction.
But she wasn’t ready to quit. She had walked the road of divorce before and didn’t want to go there again. Her husband was the stepdad to her three kids and they had tried hard to build meaningful relationships with one another.
She was thankful he had agreed to counseling and was surprised when he openly admitted to his struggle with the counselor. She saw a glimpse of regret and was encouraged that he seemed willing to change his ways.
But then it happened. She picked up his phone while he was gone one day. There it was. She couldn’t deny he was doing it again.
I didn’t know what to say.
And then she began speaking again.
“I’m praying hard for my marriage. Will you please pray with me? I’m not going to let Satan ruin us. I’m willing to give him another chance.”
Chill bumps covered my arms although it was 90 degrees outside. The beauty of grace filled the room. Her face radiated as she described her love for her husband.
Yes, she was discouraged. She wished it wasn’t true. But she refused to live in denial… or defeat.
I told her how much I applauded her efforts. Her willingness to offer grace. Again. and Again.
Her willingness to stand by her vow… for better or for worse.
Her steadfast belief in a God who still saves marriages.
Maybe you’re facing mounting issues in your own stepcouple marriage. The complexities of stepfamily dynamics put a strain on even the best marriages. Will you commit to give your marriage similar efforts?
For better or for worse.
Steadfast prayer and faith in a God who still listens and heals marriages.
Hope when it seems hopeless.
I don’t know the end of the story with her marriage. But I know she will give it more than 100% before she gives up.
Are you willing to do the same?
If you’re looking for some stepmom support, please consider joining us at our next Stepmom Retreat in beautiful Asheville, NC Sept 26-28. It will be a great week-end where you will be encouraged, find tools for your journey, and enjoy camaraderie with others walking a similar path. Here’s what other stepmom participants have said:
“It’s been an amazing weekend. I met lots of great stepmoms and found so much comfort in knowing I’m not alone on my stepmom journey.”
“I believe every stepmom needs a weekend like this.”
“What an honor to join together with like-minded women who want to give the best they can to their stepfamilies.”
I’d love to meet you in NC! Details here:
Pic By Stuart Miles