by Gayla Grace | Oct 15, 2019 | Uncategorized
Happy Anniversary My husband and I celebrate 24 years of marriage this week! In the beginning, I wasn’t sure we would make it to our next anniversary. With God’s help, Randy and I learned how to navigate the turbulent waters of stepfamily life in a...
by Gayla Grace | Dec 18, 2018 | Blog, stepfamily holiday tips
Let’s be honest. Stepfamily holidays can present awkward situations and uncomfortable exchanges with people we might not see (or even care to see) regularly. A friend of mine was complaining recently about a common stepmom issue. “I don’t want to...
by Gayla Grace | Dec 4, 2018 | Blog, stepfamily relationships
Stepfamily holidays are complicated. And stressful. RIGHT?!? How do you ease holiday stepfamily stress??? There are no easy answers. But there are a few things you can do to help make your H-O-L-I-D-A-Y-S more enjoyable. H – Help someone. Take...
by Gayla Grace | Aug 7, 2018 | Blog, encouragement
Today is release day for my new book, Stepparenting With Grace: A Devotional for Blended Families! Have you purchased your copy yet? Here’s a comment I received last week from a stepmom who had found my book already in New Brunswick: “I...
by Gayla Grace | May 8, 2018 | Blog, Grace
As stepparents, we often feel defeated in our circumstances. We play out our role the best we can, but it doesn’t seem good enough. Relationships stagnate. Disharmony rules. Tempers flare. Guilt follows. We beat ourselves up for the discord in our home. We allow Satan...